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Rhinoplasty Clinical – Before & After – Case 85595

Ultrasonic Rhinoseptoplasty - Case # 85595

Before & After pictures from a patient with large nose base, irregular septum and dorsum and droopy nose.

  • Technique: ultrasound rhinoseptoplasty.
  • Scars: columella and nose base.
  • Rhinoplasty performed under general anesthesia with local anesthesia.
  • Downtime: 10 days.
  • After photos taken: 6 months.
  • Additional information: nose holes size was reduced, nasal tip was lifted and dorsum irregularity was corrected.

Before & After photos were disclosed under patient´s authorization for demonstration purposes. Surgery results depend on the personal characteristics before surgery.

Ultrasonic Rhinoseptoplasty (Right side)

Rinoseptoplastia Ultrasónica - Antes y Después - Lado Derecho - Dr Marco Romeo

Ultrasonic Rhinoseptoplasty (Right angle)

Rinoseptoplastia Ultrasónica - Antes y Después - Ángulo Derecho - Dr Marco Romeo

Ultrasonic Rhinoseptoplasty (Left angle)

Rinoseptoplastia Ultrasónica - Antes y Después - Ángulo Izquierdo - Dr Marco Romeo
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