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Mommy Makeover

Mommy Makeover: Breast Surgery + Tummy Tuck

Restore your pre-pregnancy figure.

Mommy Makeover refers to a combination of cosmetic surgery procedures that restores post-pregnancy bodies, typically focusing on the breasts and abdomen. One of the main benefits of getting a Mommy Makeover is that it handles the areas that have been affected in only one surgical setting with only one recovery period. From fuller and perkier breasts to a flatter and tighter stomach, a Mommy Makeover will help you restoring the shape of pre-pregnancy body. The Mommy Makeover trend encompasses a wide array of surgeries to correct loose skin, stored fat, rectus diastasis, dropping or diminished breasts. It is best to wait until after you have finished having children to undergo a Mommy Makeover as the results of surgery may not remain if you chose to have more children.

Mommy Makeover Procedure

A Mommy Makeover is entirely customized and procedures may vary from woman to woman. We encourage you to schedule an appointment with Dr. Marco Romeo to discuss and decide the right procedures to help restore your pre-pregnancy body (liposuction, tummy tuck, breast augmentation, breast reduction, breast lift or vaginal rejuvenation). A Mommy Makeover is usually performed under general anaesthesia and hospitalization is required. In most cases, two procedures can be undertaken in one time. If you wish to have than two procedures in one time, this must be discussed with Dr. Marco Romeo due to the higher risk of complications.

Mommy Makeover Recovery time

Most patients who have desks jobs can return to work after 10 to 15 days of surgery and be back to most daily life activities after 15 days. You can expect to require at least 4 weeks off intense activity including exercise.

Most Mommy Makeover patients have their drains removed within 24/72 hours of surgery. Compression recovery garment and bra must be used for 30 days to minimise swelling and fluid build-up, promote skin retraction and reduce risk of hematoma and seroma.

Lymphatic drainage massage therapy after surgery is required to enjoy a shorter and smoother recovery time and to achieve best surgery results. Mommy makeover final results can be expected after a few months.

3 – 6 hours

Surgery Time

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