More comfortable with your breast.
Mammary reduction is an aesthetic and functional surgery technique, which aims to reduce the volume and improve the shape of the breast.
An excessive volume breast can be a problem for a woman at any age. Young women may have gland hypertrophy due to pubertal growth, while adult women may have a secondary increasing of the size of the breast after pregnancy or for augment of body weight.
The main issues with a breast of considerable size include backache, igenic problems due to the sweating under the mammary fold, difficulty in carrying out daily tasks and sport. Also, psychological problems may affect any woman in her daily life, especially the younger ones.
Preoperatively, an ultrasound or mammography is done to exclude oncological issues. Breastfeeding is usually not recommended after breast reduction.
Breast reduction procedure
Size and final shape of the breast are usually discussed during consultation. The day of surgery the surgeon will mark you breasts and incision lines while you are still awake. If a breast uplift (pexia) was decided during consultation it will be performed at the same time.
The areola and the nipple are usually replaced in an higher position, then the glandular excess is removed. Final scar may vary from a vertical line from the areola to the submammary fold to an inverted “T” with a line hidden in the fold itself. Before stitching, one drain per side is placed and will stay during 24-72 hours. The gland that is removed is weighted and sent to Pathology to exclude any unknown transformation.
Breast reduction recovery
This operation is usually very little painful; drains are removed after 1-2 days and you can come back home within 24 hours. Stitches are resorbable but you will asked to come back at one week, one month and three months to control evolution.
A sport bra has to be kept day/night for one month to shape the breast.
You will not be able to drive your car for about 10-15 days, and you must not do heavy-duty activities (i.e.: sport) during one month to allow the breast to get is final shape.
Though it is a safe surgery there are complications that can occur like any other operation. Bleeding is a rare complication, if it happens it can be solved during the first 24 hours with no consequences for the final result.
Mild infection may be treated with antibiotics.
In very few cases (3%), the nipple and the areola may suffer of difficult vascularization, which can bring to partial or complete loss of them.
Sensation is temporary reduced after surgery and usually is restored within few weeks. As rare event, there may be permanent loss of sensitivity.