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The First Consultation

Before any operation the surgeon and his patient should build a strong bound based on trust, empathy to build a common vision of what will be done. Us, as surgeons, should learn to be fine psychologist apart from being skilled operators.

For these reasons, the first consultation is the most important moment between us; the first impression is always the most important.

An open and long talk will lead to understand your expectations and see what we can realistically do. Sometimes we schedule for surgery, sometimes we decide for a different treatment, sometime we just have to say no to any operation if is not the case.

In Plastic Surgery, more than any other field of surgery, there are often several techniques, which can be chosen to solve the same problem. You may hear of many of these, especially in this era of easy access to media information. Ask to your surgeon, listen to him and use his experience to filter everything you heard so far, trust the judgment of a professional.

Once the indication has been established, the surgeon will explain all the details of the operation to you together with the results that can be expected. If indicated, a digital simulation will be done.

The first consultation costs €60.

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