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Thigh lift

A slimmer thigh contour.

The inner face of the thighs tend to relax with time, especially after relevant weight loss, with unpleasant skin folds and continuous friction of the skin between the two thighs than can bring to irritation, over-sweating and discomfort.

A thigh lift might be the ideal solution to correct this problem.

Thigh lift procedure

Before starting the operation the surgeon marks your thighs in the standing up position to decide where the scars will be best concealed.

The operation is performed under general anesthetic or under a regional (epidural) anesthetic. An incision made in the fold of the groin helps to tighten up the skin and reshape the legs. This operation can be combined with liposuction to achieve a better contour.

Thigh lift recovery

You can leave the clinic the same day or the day after. A compressive garment must be worn for about 4 weeks. During the first days it might be uncomfortable sitting down, however it quickly improves.

Stitches are all resorbable and don’t need to be removed; however a control will be made at 1, 2 and 4 weeks.

1:30 hours

Surgery Time

Thigh lift results

The results are quickly visible, although you have to wait two months to have all the swelling desappeared.

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