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Breast augmentation

More feminine breast.

Mammary augmentation is an aesthetic surgery technique, which aims to increase the volume and improve the shape of the breasts. To do this we usually use breast prostheses/implants sometimes it can be done without implant only with fat injection. There are various types of breast implants, which are different for shape, shell and filling material and construction process. The most common type is made with cohesive silicone filling (which will not spill in your body in case of a broken implant) and a texturized (not smooth) silicone capsule. For your safety we chose to use either Mentor® or Allergan® implants, who demonstrated to be among the safest and most natural prosthesis ever made and come in various shapes and sizes to best adapt to your body. Any other brand you may prefer can be discussed. The implants are usually placed under the gland (breast tissue) or the muscle (pectoralis major) to produce larger, better-looking breasts. If a mastopexy is indicated it can be performed at the same time with breast enlargement. In general the implants can be round or anatomical shaped. Round breast implants give greater volume in the upper part of the breast and are suitable for women who already have adequately formed breasts. Anatomical breast implants are “half-pear” shaped and can gently adapt to the shape of the breast and give a result which looks natural, avoiding any break in the line between the top of the breast and the thorax, especially in very slender women. During the consultation, you and your aesthetic surgeon will choose the breast implants best suited to match your figure and physique. There are four ways of inserting breast implants: the periareolar approach (via a small incision measuring 3 to 4 cm which is well-hidden around the edge of the areola which surrounds the nipple), the transareolar approach (across the areola), the submammary approach (in the fold beneath the breast) and the axillary approach (in the armpit/axilla). The breast implants are usually inserted beneath the breast glandular tissue (retroglandular placement). The amount of glandular tissue and the elasticity of the skin need to be sufficient to cover the implant properly so that its contours are impalpable and invisible. In the case of inadequate glandular (breast) tissue or poor skin elasticity, the implants are inserted behind the pectoral muscle (retromuscular placement) so that they remain invisible and impalpable, thus giving the new breasts a natural shape and feel. The operation is generally performed under local anaesthetic combined with sedation. Breast implants do not prevent women from breast feeding as the mammary glands and the ducts within them are preserved. However, pregnancy can only be planned from the 3rd month after the surgery to facilitate adequate healing of the involved tissues and continuity of results.

Breast augmentation procedure

Size and type of implant is usually decided during consultation. The day of surgery the surgeon will mark you breasts and incision lines while you are still awake. If a breast uplift (pexia) was decided during consultation it will be performed at the same time. The surgeon then creates a pocket to place the implants, he checks the correct positioning and suture the skin, there is no need of drains. A compressive dressing will be placed before you wake up.

Breast augmentation surgery recovery

This operation is usually very little painful; when the implants are placed under the muscle you may have a feeling similar to hard muscular training in the gym for a couple of days. Stitches are resorbable but you will asked to come back at one week, one month and three months to control evolution. A sport bra has to be kept day/night for one month to avoid implant malposition. You will not be able to drive your car for about 12 days, and you must not do heavy-duty activities (i.e.: sport) during one month to allow capsule formation around the implant.

1:30 hours

Surgery Time

Breast augmentation results

Results are visible during the first days after surgery. However, it is necessary to wait a few months for the inflammation to disappear, and the implant capsule to be formed.


Though it is a very safe surgery there are complications that can occur like any other operation. Bleeding is a rare complication as the implant is placed in a plane with almost no big vessels, if it happens it can be solved during the first 24 hours with no consequences for the final result. Mild infection may be treated with antibiotics, your surgeon may ask you to stay in hospital for intravenous infusion of antibiotics. Stronger infection might require implant removal; you should wait few months before placing a new implant because the tissues are contaminated and it is safer to wait. Your body will physiologically produce a capsule around the implant within a month. Sometimes (3-15% of all the cases) the capsule changes shape squeezing the implant with or without discomfort, this phenomenon is called capsular contraction and its origin is not completely understood yet. In this unlucky (and uncommon) event you can discuss with your surgeon if it is the case to remove the implant for a new one. Sometimes the implant can rotate, if you wear a bra during the first month it is unlikely to happen. In very thin women the implant edges sometimes are either visible or palpable. Some fat injection can help to hide the prosthesis. Implant rupture is a very rare event, especially with the new (5th) generation of implant. Our implants have insurance than will cover a part of the expenses in case of broken implant due to a production defect.

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