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Liposuction – Before & After

Liposuction - Case MEM170823

Primary liposuction with Soft definiti technique on the back, flanks, abdomen, thighs and cartilage.

Liposuction (Front)

Liposucción - Fotos Antes y Después - Frente - Dr Marco Romeo MEM170823

Liposuction - Case # 60150

Before & After pictures from a 50-year-old patient who wanted to remove fat from the abdominal area and flanks.

Liposuction (Front)

Liposucción antes y después - Dr Marco Romeo - 1

Liposuction - Case # 60200

Before & After pictures from a young patient who wanted to get rid of local fat and sculpt the body.

Liposuction (Front)

Liposuction - Case # 60250

Before & After pictures from a patient who wanted to get rid of local fat and get a more defined body.

Liposuction (Front)

Liposuction - Case # 60300

Before & After pictures from a young patient, with 1.74 mt, who wanted to reduce local fat and sculpt the body.

Liposuction (Front)

Liposuction - Case # 60350

Before & After pictures patient with skin irregularities due to a previous Liposuction.

Liposuction (Front)

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