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Liposuction – Before & After – Case 60200

Liposuction - Case # 60200

Before & After pictures from a young patient who wanted to get rid of local fat and sculpt the body.

  • Technique: Abdominal, flanks, low back and inner tights liposuction. High-Definition Liposuction technique has been used to sculpt the body and bring out the abdominal lines.
  • Scars: not visible – very small scars where fat is removed.
  • Liposuction performed under general anesthesia and took 1.45h.
  • Recovery period: 1 week.

- Specific compression garment must be used to attach skin to tissues and accentuate the abdominal rippling.

Before & After photos were disclosed under patient´s authorization for demonstration purposes. Surgery results depend on the personal characteristics before surgery.

Liposuction (Front)

Liposuction (Right angle)

Liposuction (Left angle)

Liposuction (Back)

Liposuction (Left side)

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