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Lipoabdominoplasty – Before & After – Case RCC111124

Lipoabdominoplasty - Case RCC111124

Rectus Diastasis with Adipose Accumulation. Skin with Stretch Marks

  • Children: Yes.
  • Technique: Abdominoplasty with rectus muscle repair, waist liposuction, and gluteal lipofilling.
  • Time between photos: 5 months.

Before & After photos were disclosed under patient´s authorization for demonstration purposes. Surgery results depend on the personal characteristics before surgery.

Lipoabdominoplasty (Front)

Lipoabdominoplasty (Left angle)

Lipoabdominoplasty (Right Angle)

Lipoabdominoplasty (Left side)

Lipoabdominoplasty (Right side)

Lipoabdominoplasty (Back)

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