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Rhinoplasty Clinical – Before & After – Case 85000

Rhinoplasty - Case # 85000

Before & After pictures from a 23 years old patient that wanted to correct nose tip, decrease size of cavities, and improve side profile.

  • After photos taken: 3 months post-op
  • Techniques: open rhinoplasty approach. Septum and alar cartilage straightening and tip reshaping.
  • Scars: columella.
  • Rhinoplasty performed under general anesthesia and took 2h.
  • Recovery period: 7 – 10 days.

Functional nose side was also addressed during surgery to guarantee and improve its function.

Before & After photos were disclosed under patient´s authorization for demonstration purposes. Surgery results depend on the personal characteristics before surgery.

Rhinoplasty (Front)

Rhinoplasty (Right side)

Rhinoplasty (From below)

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