Mommy Makeover (Periareolar Breast Augmentation + Lipoabdominoplasty) - Case # 52000
Before & After pictures from a young patient with asymmetrical and sagging breasts. Abdominal fat, loose skin and diastasis recti. Patient wanted to improve changes occurred after two pregnancies – improve breast lack of volume, increase size and correct abdominal area.
- Age: 24.
- 2 children.
- Height: 5´38´´/ Weight: 114 lbs.
- Procedures: Periareolar breast augmentation, Liposuction and Abdominoplasty (Lipoabdominoplasty).
Periareolar Breast Augmentation
- Techniques: periareolar incision and sub muscular placement.
- Implants: Poytech, teardrop shape, intermediate profile, filled to 350 cc.
- Cup size change: A to C.
- Techniques: Loose skin excision and liposuction to remove fat on abdominal area to reduce waist. Belly button repositioning and diastasis recti correction.
- Scar: above the pubic area.
Other Information
- Mommy Makeover performed under general anesthesia and took 4h.
- Recovery period: 1 week.
- Time between pictures: 6 weeks.
Before & After photos were disclosed under patient´s authorization for demonstration purposes. Surgery results depend on the personal characteristics before surgery.