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Mommy Makeover – Before & After – Case 52000

Mommy Makeover (Periareolar Breast Augmentation + Lipoabdominoplasty) - Case # 52000

Before & After pictures from a young patient with asymmetrical and sagging breasts. Abdominal fat, loose skin and diastasis recti. Patient wanted to improve changes occurred after two pregnancies – improve breast lack of volume, increase size and correct abdominal area.

  • Age: 24.
  • 2 children.
  • Height: 5´38´´/ Weight: 114 lbs.
  • Procedures: Periareolar breast augmentation, Liposuction and Abdominoplasty (Lipoabdominoplasty).

Periareolar Breast Augmentation

  • Techniques: periareolar incision and sub muscular placement.
  • Implants: Poytech, teardrop shape, intermediate profile, filled to 350 cc.
  • Cup size change: A to C.


  • Techniques: Loose skin excision and liposuction to remove fat on abdominal area to reduce waist. Belly button repositioning and diastasis recti correction.
  • Scar: above the pubic area.

Other Information

  • Mommy Makeover performed under general anesthesia and took 4h.
  • Recovery period: 1 week.
  • Time between pictures: 6 weeks.

Before & After photos were disclosed under patient´s authorization for demonstration purposes. Surgery results depend on the personal characteristics before surgery.

Mommy Makeover (Front)

Mommy Makeover (Right angle)

Mommy Makeover (Left angle)

Mommy Makeover (Right side)

Mommy Makeover (Left side)

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